Monday, November 21, 2011

WHAT to do after a hand injury and an ER visit?


Q. What should I do If I've been seen in a local emergency room for a hand, wrist, forearm or upper extremity fracture or injury?
A. It is important that day or night to follow the ER or ED instructions for post injury care. If you are told to elevate or ice or take a certain medication please do as you are instructed.  Make sure you fill prescriptions  that you may need.  If you are not sure whether a medicine given to you by the Emergency Physician is correct call the hospital back and ask.  In addition you should arrange for appropriate follow up care with a qualified physician.
Here are 6 important TIPS for delayed and urgent care of HAND AND WRIST FRACTURES that have been seen in a local Emergency Department Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut
1.Contact your PCP. They can provide interim care or redirect you.
2. Call us. We like to accommodate potential patients. Unfortunately we cant always accommodate everyone who calls.
3. Call the ER back. Often they can advise you over the phone if you've been seen recently
4. Return to the ER where you were seen. Most ER's will be glad to see you again
5. Call  a doctor you know of on your own. There is nothing wrong with seeking care on your own
6. Don't panic. Many hand and wrist injuries once stabilized in a local ER can be seen safely and effectively at a later date.
Most Hospital Emergency Departments will have given you a follow-up for a physician that they regularly work with, THERE ARE SOME TIMES THAT THEY DON'T HAVE A HAND SURGEON ON CALL OR ON STAFF. IN THOSE CASES YOU SHOULD SEEK OUT A HAND SURGERY GROUP IN THE AREA. WHILE THERE MAY NOT BE AN IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT AVAILABLE RECORDS FROM YOUR ER VISIT CAN BE OBTAINED AND IN MANY CASES AN APPOINTMENT CAN BE GIVEN WITHIN THE PROPER TIME FRAME. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER THAT WHILE THE ER MAY STRESS BEING SEEN IMMEDIATELY THAT MANY HAND AND WRIST CONDITIONS CAN BE TAKEN CARE OF URGENTLY BUT NOT EMERGENTLY ONCE PROPER ER EMERGENT CARE HAS BEEN GIVEN. However there are conditions that may warrant being seen right away and at times you may be advised to go back to the original ER if you cant be seen in an adequate time frame. Every situation is different. and this information is not to be construed as ultimate medical advice. for the purpose of treatment. 

1 comment:

  1. These days more and more accidents and need to care for injuries are more than a need and expertise. As lifestyle changes, areas and type or place or the aggressiveness of injuries are more challenging. Thanks for the care and support you are giving.

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This blog is for information ony and should not be used for questions regarding current patients of the Hand Center of Western Massachusetts in Springfield MA. There is no way to guarantee confidentiality or timely response. No comments here should substitute or be taken as personal advice from a health care provider or any person or entity with whom the reader , poster questioner has a relationship with. These topics are for informational use only and you should read this and any other information for interest only. Any medical decisions should be made after discussing it with family, friends and your own healthcare provider... and this blog should not be used in place of those traditional resources.

AGAIN ask questions, post comments, discuss, but this is not a way to deliver personal health advice. Only your doctor woith whom you have a personal relationship can offer you that.

AGAIN If you are a current patient of the Hand Center and you have a acute current, recent or even an old question of concern CALL THE OFFICE.