Thursday, December 10, 2009

Use caution when using snow blowers

Updated: Wednesday, 09 Dec 2009, 9:39 PM EST
Published : Wednesday, 09 Dec 2009, 7:43 PM EST

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) - With the first significant snowfall here, people should use extreme caution when using snow blowers.

Each year, 5,000 people in this country suffer a hand injury from using a snow blower. Some of those injuries can be severe like losing a finger.

Hand surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Wint of the Hand Center of western Massachusetts says if you're snow blower jams, turn it off and never put your hands or feet in the intake or outtake.

If you have a snow blower that has a clutch, disengage the clutch. Then wait or delay about 10-15 seconds because it takes time for the machine to calm down and then use a stick.

Dr. Wint also said that 500 people each year lose a finger as a result of a snow blower injury.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Blower Safety OCD STICK

As the first snowfall comes to the Northeast, we are reminded all too often of the devastating effecets of a snowblower injury to the hand. It is important to keep a few snowblower safety tips in mind.

If you remember anything SNOWBLOWER SAFETY ....OCD STICK

If a snow blower jams, turn it off, disengage the clutch, delay, wait until the machine has less torque as there may be still some "spin" left in the impeller. Finally use a stick or broom handle to clear the snow. Never use hands, fingers or feet. It is often the impeller that spins very quickly in the outflow chute that causes injury as the advancing finger dosnt know that this it at the bottom of the chute.

Heavy wet snow, greater than 6 inches and in conditions greater than 28 degrees F are associated with a greater frequency of injury. The most common injury is to the middle finger in a male aged 44 years.

Put a stick on your snow blower, an old broom handle or a hockey stick tied to the hand works well. ( remember to watch out for flying debris ..your eyes.. as well)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Dangers

Hand Surgeons Warn of Pumpkin Carving Dangers

Use caution during the Halloween season, and take steps to prevent hand injuries when carving.

“Every Halloween season we see four or five patients—both adults and children—who come into our office with severe injuries to their hands and fingers,” says Jeffrey Wint, MD, an ASSH member from The Hand Center of Western Massachusetts, Springfield, MA. “Treatment can often run three to four months from the time of surgery through rehabilitation.”

To prevent hand injuries, the ASSH suggests the following safety tips

Carve at a Clean, Dry, Well-lit Area
Wash and thoroughly dry all of the tools that you will use to carve the pumpkin: carving tools, knife, cutting surface, and your hands. Any moisture on your tools, hands, or table can cause slipping that can lead to injuries.

Always Have Adult Supervision
“All too often we see adolescent patients with injuries because adults feel the kids are responsible enough to be left on their own,” says Wint. “Even though the carving may be going great, it only takes a second for an injury to occur.”

Leave the Carving to Adults
Never let children do the carving. Wint suggests letting kids draw a pattern on the pumpkin and have them be responsible for cleaning out the inside pulp and seeds. When the adults do start cutting, they should always cut away from themselves and cut in small, controlled strokes.

Sharper is not Better
“A sharper knife is not necessarily better because it often becomes wedged in the thicker part of the pumpkin, requiring force to remove it,” says Wint. “An injury can occur if your hand is in the wrong place when the knife finally dislodges from the thick skin of the pumpkin. Injuries are also sustained when the knife slips and comes out the other side of the pumpkin where your hand may be holding it steady.”

Use a Pumpkin Carving Kit
Special pumpkin carving kits are available in stores and include small serrated pumpkin saws that work better because they are less likely to get stuck in the thick pumpkin tissue. “If they do get jammed and then wedged free, they are not sharp enough to cause a deep, penetrating cut,” says Wint.

Help for a Pumpkin Carving Injury
Should you cut your finger or hand, bleeding from minor cuts will often stop on their own by applying direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. If continuous pressure does not slow or stop the bleeding after 15 minutes, an emergency room visit may be required.

Dr. Wint is a Hand Surgeon who is currently in practice in Springfield, MA. He is a member of the ASSH and is on staff at Baystate Medical Center. He can be reached through his office and his website is at

Copyright © ASSH 2009. Modified for this blog

Mano Cirujanos advierten de Pumpkin Carving Peligros

Tenga cuidado durante la temporada de Halloween, y tomar medidas para prevenir lesiones en la mano cuando la talla.

"Cada temporada de Halloween, vemos cuatro o cinco pacientes, adultos y niños-que vienen a nuestra oficina con graves heridas en las manos y los dedos", dice Jeffrey Wint, MD, miembro ASSH de The Hand Center del Oeste de Massachusetts, Springfield, MA. "El tratamiento a menudo puede ejecutar tres o cuatro meses desde el momento de la cirugía a través de la rehabilitación".

Para evitar lesiones en la mano, la ASSH sugiere los siguientes consejos

Esculpido en un limpio, seco y bien iluminado
Lave y seque todas las herramientas que utilizará para esculpir la calabaza: las herramientas de talla, un cuchillo, corte la superficie, y sus manos. Cualquier humedad en las herramientas, manos o mesa puede provocar caídas que pueden conducir a lesiones.

Siempre tienen Supervisión de Adultos
"Con demasiada frecuencia vemos pacientes adolescentes con lesiones porque los adultos se sienten los niños están lo suficientemente responsables como para ser abandonados a su suerte", dice Wint. "A pesar de que la talla se va muy bien, sólo toma un segundo por una lesión que se produzca".

Deja la talla para adultos
Nunca deje que los niños hacen la talla. Wint sugiere dejar los niños dibujar un patrón de la calabaza y hacer que se encargará de la limpieza de la pulpa interior y semillas. Cuando los adultos se inician el corte, que siempre deben cortar de sí mismos y cortadas en pequeños trazos controlados.

Sharper no es mejor
"Un agudo cuchillo no es necesariamente mejor, porque a menudo queda atascado en la parte más gruesa de la calabaza, que requiere la fuerza para eliminar", dice Wint. "Una lesión puede ocurrir si su mano es en el lugar equivocado cuando el cuchillo finalmente desaloja de la piel gruesa de la calabaza. Las lesiones son también sufrió cuando el cuchillo se desliza y sale por el otro lado de la calabaza en la mano puede ser la celebración firme. "

Utilice un kit de Carving Pumpkin
De calabaza Especial kits de talla están disponibles en las tiendas y son pequeñas sierras dentadas de calabaza que funcionan mejor porque son menos propensos a trabarse en el tejido de calabaza de espesor. "Si lo hacen se producen embotellamientos y, a continuación cuña libre, no son lo suficientemente aguda como para causar un profundo corte de penetración", dice Wint.

Ayuda para una lesión Carving Pumpkin
Si se corta un dedo o la mano, sangrando de cortes de menor importancia con frecuencia se detiene en su propia aplicando presión directa sobre la herida con un paño limpio. Si la presión continua no frenar o detener el sangrado después de 15 minutos, una visita a la sala de emergencia que sean necesarios.

Dr. Wint es un cirujano de la mano que se encuentra actualmente en la práctica en Springfield, MA. Él es un miembro de la ASSH y es en el personal en el Baystate Medical Center. Él puede ser alcanzado a través de su oficina y su página web está en

Copyright © Sociedad Americana de Cirugía de la Mano de 2009. Modified for this blog

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release PODCAST page gets Tiny URL

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release PODCAST page gets Tiny URL

click for more information

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release gets Tiny URL

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release gets a tiny url

click on this for more information

Monday, August 24, 2009

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery on facebook

Facebook:Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

A new listing on facebook, discusses endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery including pictures and text regarding frequently asked questions and their common answers from a Hand Surgeons point of view. THis information is presented by Dr. Wint of the Hand Center of Western Massachusetts. For more information additional links are available

Thursday, May 14, 2009


DUPUYTREN'S DISEASE BIBLIOGRAPHY has been posted for the Dupuytren's Disease Overview Podcast.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery article on Wikipedia

An article entitled " Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery" now appears on wikipedia.  
It has a brief history of endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery as well as several links and a video link to endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery on YOUTUBE.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hand Surgery Podcasts accepted to itunes store

You can now view the first hand surgery podcast discussing Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery in the itunes store.  There will be more podcasts to follow this first regarding a variety of hand surgery topics.

To view the hand surgery podcasts in ITUNES and subscribe the feed eith go to ITUNES and search for Hand Surgery Podcast  click    HERE

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hand Surgery PODCASTS

This new podcast addresses the discussion that often takes place in the office when
considering endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery. As told by Dr. Jeffrey Wint
of the Hand Center of Western Massachusetts.

follow this link or paste it into your browser to hear the latest podcast


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This blog is for informational purposes only.
It is not to be used as a substitute for advice from your own doctor, physician or health care provider.
If you are a current patient at the Hand Center of Western Massachusetts DO NOT USE THIS blog to relay
concerns or questions regarding acute problems or current status, pick up the phone and call the office!! Even when the office is closed the service will handle a message and relay it to one of the physicnans... 24 hours a day.
There is no way to make this site confidential or reply in timely fashion to handle current patients or acute situations.


Id like to address some common hand problems and their treatments and other issues regarding care of the hand and upper extremity here.

please read this!!!!
If you have any questions please feel free to post them. But please....This cannot be used for acute clinical questions
for current patients of the hand center at this time. If you are a current patient of the hand center of western massachusetts and have a question regading current treatment
please call the office.

 If you have a general question about hands or hand surgery please dont be afraid to ask.

Please understand this is not a confidential site and anything posted here will be seen by everyone. Questions and topics here should not substitute for device form your own doctor or any health care provider  with whom you have a relationship.

 These blogs are NOT for direct care and do not constitute specific advice and should not be taken to constitute a patient doctor relationship. 

Again if you are a current patient of the Hand center of western massachusetts please DO NOT use this as a way to communicate in an acute setting or for questions regarding current care. At present there is no way to insure that posts here can be handled in a timley fashion and should not be used for acute care or communication with any treating physician. IF YOU ARE A CURRENT PATIENT  AND HAVE A CURRENT OR ACUTE QUESTION CALL THE OFFICE .
What is endoscopic carpal tunnel release? How is it performed? What are the potential benefits?

Endoscopic carpal tunnel release uses an endoscope, an instrument attached to a video monitor to visualize the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament. This avoids the need to make an incision in the palm. Instead the surgeon makes the incision in the wrist crease near the base of the palm.

The surgeon esssentially releases the ligament from the inside out, avoiding damaging the tough tissues called fascia in the palm that give the palm its shape and contour. In addition the plam skin incision is avoided. For many this reduces the immediate problem of using the hand more fully in the early post operative period. It does not mean that there will be absolutely no discomfort but many feel it is less. Typically however one must realize that there are many people who undergo so called regular open carpal tunnel release who have very little pain and many do not need to take pain medicine at all. However those who have endoscopic release who do well, do well a little bit sooner.

The greatest potential benefit is for those patients who need to get back to a job or activity that requires a lot of palm contact. Somethinig that we refer to as a "palm-intensive" activity.

While 5-6 weeks down the line most patients with either an open or endoscopic release are at nearly the same place with respect to activities, the endoscopically released hands seem to be more comfortable sooner.

Must my carpal tunnel be released endoscopically?

No. It is important to understand that this is one method that for some people can be beneficial. Standard carpal tunnel release is a tried and true method and typically has very good results.

IS Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel... LASER SURGERY?

No. The term laser surgery is a misnomer. In other words, some people call endoscopic or arthroscopic surgery laser surgery for some reason but there is no laser involved. While lasers are used by surgeons for a variety of conditions there is no role for laser here. Despite this, that question gets asked often by a lot of people who have heard about someone getting laser surgery for their carpal tunnel.

What should I do if I want to have this method used?

There are several different ways of doing an endoscopic carpal tunnel release in terms of instruments and the type pf endoscope used. You should make sure your surgeon has experience in their chosen method and instrumentation.

Where is the surgery done?

Like regular open carpal tunnel release endoscopic carpal tunnel release is done typically in an outpatient surgery center setting. The Hand Center of Western Massachusetts is located directly above the Pioneer Valley Surgical Center and Dr. Wint does many of the endoscopic carpal tunnel releases there.

For more information, it is vital to speak to a physician who can discuss with you with regard to whether you might be a candidate for this procedure and what the risks and benefits are. This page is for introduction of this topic and should not be used as a sole source of information.


Single-Portal Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Compared with Open Release A Prospective, Randomized Trial

Baystate Health Systems Article from 2001

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Bulletin 1997

Instrumentation used by Dr. Wint in endoscopic carpal tunnel release

Jeffrey C. Wint, M.D.

Recommendations for safe use of a jammed snow blower snow blowers include :

1. If the snow blower jams, immediately turn it off

2. Disengage the clutch

3. Wait 10 seconds after shutting of to allow Impeller Blades to stop rotating

4. Always use a stick or broom handle to clear impacted snow. The stick most be strong enough to avoid breakage or eye injures can result from flying fragments

5. Never put your hand near chute or around blades

6. Keep all shields in place. Do not remove safety devices on machine

7. Keep hands and feet away from moving parts

8. Keep a clear head, concentrate and ...

Do not drink alcoholic beverages before using a snow blower

As physicians dedicated to the care of the Hand and Upper extremity we want to inform the public concerning the perils and pitfalls of improper snow blower use. Physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and therapists who deal with these injuries live in fear of the first heavy wet snow of the season. Invariably injuries are seen despite general knowledge that these injuries occur. These safety tips cannot guarantee against injury but hopefully if you are reading these or even better spreading these... it is one more step towards preventing these types of injuries.

News organizations and weather services can help.

Conditions that are associated with a higher incidence of injuries, hay wet snow exceeding 6 inches of accumulation and temperatures above 28 degrees Fahrenheit offer good opportunities to provide warning for the public. We need your help to reduce the incidence of these preventable injuries.